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Beneath the Surface Counselling Counselling therapy with Lisa Rasulian near Petersfield

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out how I collect, use and protect any personal information that you provide in respect of using the services of Lisa Rasulian. I take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer and provide the service you or your referrer have requested from me. I do not pass your details to any third party for marketing purposes.

What personal information do I collect?

I will collect personal information which is necessary for me to contact you, correctly identify you, and work with the personal nature of the reason you are engaging my services in a way that endeavours to keep you safe. This information is gathered on the basis that it is necessary for me to have as clear an understanding of your history and current situation as possible for me to provide the best service that I can.
• Name (Title, First Name, Last Name)
• Date of Birth
• Gender
• Address
• Contact information (phone, email)
• General employment information
• General family information (partners name, children name/age)
• Information related to the reason for the visit which will vary from person to person
I collect and store special category data (health and personal information related to the reason for your visit) and this information will vary from person to person depending on why you are coming to see me.

How I collect the personal information

I collect the personal information from:
a. You during the initial telephone conversation and during the initial counselling assessment session when this information will be recorded on an Assessment Form and/or Psychological Questionnaires.
b. If you are being referred by a 3rd party I will be given your name and contact number, sometimes an address and sometimes the reason for the referral. This may arrive by email, post or telephone conversation.
c. Website enquiry service - If you use my website enquiry service this will ask you to provide your name and contact details. This will only be used to respond to your enquiry. Please do not provide highly personal information in your enquiry.

Why I require this personal information

The personal information is necessary to enable me to deliver the services you have requested. Under the Data Protection Act (and its subsequent General Data Protection Regulation) my Lawful Basis for capturing and processing this data is Legitimate Interest.

How I store and process this personal information?

I am committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and that the information I ask you to provide will be managed securely and will only be used in accordance with this Privacy Notice. In processing the personal information I use a variety of systems which include:

Paper Records
From your initial contact your information is recorded on paper in a log book to enable me to control the booking of appointments effectively. At the initial meeting your personal information will be recorded on paper and this together with any notes made during the counselling sessions will be held securely for a period of up to 7 years. The paper records are then burnt.

Computer Records
I use a password protected computer that runs up-to-date virus protection and a password protected mobile. Depending on the system of the referrer I may have to submit computerised information to the referrer, such as an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). This will be done using a reference number rather than your name. If names are ever used the documents will be password protected.

I may also use your email address to contact you if:
• I have received an email from you
• If I have been unable to return your communication by telephone
• If you have emailed me to make contact
• If I have agreed to send information to you
You will not get unsolicited emails from me.

Telephone Records
If you leave a voice message on my mobile telephone number please do not leave personal information other than your name and contact number. I may store your name and contact number on paper or in my mobile phone in case of emergency and to ease booking of appointments. This will be deleted within one month of your counselling sessions ending.

Who do I share personal information with?

I share your personal information with my counselling supervisor in confidence and your personal information will not be shared with other third parties except in the interest of your wellbeing such as reporting to your psychiatrist, your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), or referrer such as insurance company or solicitor and this will be with your knowledge and consent. Also, information may need to be shared if:
• You are at serious risk of harm to yourself or others (vital interest)
• There is risk of abuse to a patient/minor (safeguarding)
• You are involved in terrorism/drug trafficking
• It is required by law
• You give your consent
Any forms/reports sent to referrers have reference numbers/initials not names unless they are sent with passwords. If a third party is funding your counselling, then your initials may be included in the invoice which may also be seen by my accountant. If you are paying for your own counselling your name may be seen by my accountant on the copy receipts or my bank statements.

Controlling your personal information

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives you certain rights in relation to the personal information I hold about you:
a. You can access a copy of the personal information I hold about you (Subject Access Request) Requests should generally be complied with within 30 days free of charge.
b. You can rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
c. You have the right to object to my processing of your personal information.
d. You can ask me to delete or restrict how I use your personal information but this right is determined by applicable law.
e. You also have a right to withdraw your consent to records being kept although this could make our work together unsafe or prohibitive given the nature of the work.

You can exercise the above rights by contacting me by either:
f. Write to me and provide your name, address, phone number and email address
g. Email me at:
lisa@btscounselling.co.uk Phone me on: 07857 638987

How you can make a complaint

If you believe there has been a data breach please contact me (Lisa Rasulian- Data Controller) immediately so I can investigate. If you think I am not processing your personal data appropriately then you can register a formal complaint by contacting the Information Commissioners Office at https://ico.org.uk/fororganisations/report-a-breach

How my website uses Cookies

Please see link at the bottom of the page for more information.

Links to other websites

My website http://beneaththesurfacecounselling.co.uk/ may contain links to other websites of interest. I do not pass any personal data to such websites and once you have used these links to leave my website, you should note that I do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, I cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this Privacy Notice. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Data controller and questions about this Privacy Notice

The Data Controller responsible in respect of this Privacy Notice is Lisa Rasulian (see ICO Data Protection Public Register) and I can be contacted by either:
• Email me at: lisa@btscounselling.co.uk
• Phone me on: 07857 638987

Please contact me with any feedback you have on this Privacy Notice so that I can make it as simple and easy to understand as possible.

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